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Working with the WebContextMenu in DataFlex

Lesson 1- The basics

In this lesson we’ll be looking at the basic mechanics of the WebContextMenu. Let’s start off by looking through the available properties; I have separated these into 3 different categories: Visuals, Events, and Context Oriented.

Do notice that the WebContextMenu inherits a lot from the already existing Menu api to make it even more easy for the developer to work with, since we’re already so familiar with it.

First up, we have the Visuals; Just like a WebMenuList we are able to enable Icons in front of the MenuItems using pbShowIcons. piMaxHeight will help with specifying the maximum vertical size of the ContextMenu should you wish to change that.

Then we have an event called OnContextMenuOpen which can be used to determine whether the menu should appear for the user. In which you are able to cancel it.

Then we have the “Context”-oriented properties as I like to call them. The way we set the system up is that the WebContextMenu will scope down within the web page. What that means is that you set its main scope on a different control. And from that point on it focuses on a context as you can see:

This scope of the ContextMenu can be set with phoControl or just simply by setting it via the parent as I will show later. The Context is as you might expect set by peContext and uses a predefined list to make it even easier to integrate it with other Framework controls. When a user has clicked on something and the Menu should open the psContextValue property is filled with whatever the attached control gives us. In most existing cases this is the RowId in String format. 

Custom controls are currently able to go even further since they can also serialize whole JSON objects but that is for an advanced course later.  Furthermore, about advanced properties we also have the psControlName which can be used to set the scope to a control by WebObjectName like with for example dynamic objects.

psContextCSSSelector is a property you will probably use more often however, since the focus can be specified using a CSS selector. It might come off as bit difficult but we will soon see it isn’t that hard, and comes in quite handy.

To get a bit of a feel for how easy it is to improve your applications with the WebContextMenu I have created a copy of the WebOrder sample and as such we will go on from there if you would like to copy me.


  • Now that we have an actual example of an application it will become easier to visualize how to improve an application with very simple things.
  • As you can see, we have a WebGrid at the very bottom of this page.
  • To improve the process of adding a new row we will use the WebContextMenu.
  • This is also the moment in which we will see the Parent scope inheritance. We can simply add a new child object to the webgrid just like the Columns and specify that it is a cWebContextMenu. By defining it within the scope of the WebGrid, the previously specified phoControl is automatically set. Which as such is no longer necessary.
  • Now we will first define the Menus context which as you can see, we can set to C_WebUIContextListRow which automatically sets the focus on the rows themselves. This ensures that the psContextValue is filled with the RowId when we right-click on one.
  • From this point on it becomes even easier as the defining of the menu works exactly the same as how you would define your CommandBar, etcetera.
  • We will add the onClick procedure and do a send to the WebGrid to add a new row.
  • But we should not forget to enable that we allow appending in the first place.
  • Now we press build… and as you can see it worked instantly.

As you might have noticed this was very simple to implement, but it was just the tip of the iceberg. In the next lesson we’ll take a look at the context’s themselves and also do some more advanced things.