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Creating the database

Working with databases

Lesson 1: Databases in DataFlex

Databases in DataFlex are relational. This image shows that ORDER table is related to both the CUSTOMER and the SALESPERSON tables. The PRODUCT table is related to the VENDOR table, and both the ORDER and the PRODUCT tables are related to the ORDERLINE table.

Zooming into the ORDER table shows numerous columns of various types. Some of the columns just contain data for that specific entity. Other columns define a relationship with another table. On this table, for example, the ‘CustomerNr’ points to a specific customer record in the parent ‘Customer’ table.

Different database types can be used to DataFlex:

  • Embedded database
  • Microsoft SQL
  • ODBC (generic)

The workspace within DataFlex consists of:

  • FileList: list of tables
  • Connection: defines connection to the database server and is stored in the dfconfig.ini.
  • Intermediate file: a table is part of a connection. Every table has an intermediate file associated with it that let’s DataFlex know how it is connected in an application.

Regarding SQL databases…

  • DataFlex connects to the SQL server, where the database is housed, via a driver. 
  • The processes run independently of each other regardless of if they’re running on the same machine or different machines.

Regarding the embedded database…

  • The embedded DataFlex database is stored as files on the hard drive. DataFlex connects directly to those files. 

Throughout this course we will be discussing a database for a cookbook that consists of three tables.

  1. Ingredients
  2. Recipe
  3. Kitchen