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How to install DataFlex Personal

Try for free: DataFlex Personal

Lesson 1: Why DataFlex Personal?

We want to make it easy for you to get to know DataFlex and see how it can work for you. That's why we offer a free version called DataFlex Personal.

DataFlex Personal can be used for two purposes:

  1. For developing and deploying personal, private use, non-commercial applications. Personal use developers can...
    • Get acquainted with DataFlex without making a financial commitment
    • Have a free, fast & easy mobile, web and WIndows development tool for creating personal, non-commercial applications
    • When used for personal, private, non-commercial applications, a DataFlex Personal license must be renewed annually (free)
  2. To evaluate DataFlex for commercial use beyond the default 60-day time limit. DataFlex Studio installs in 60-day evaluation mode. With a DataFlex Personal license, evaluators can...
    • Get acquainted with DataFlex without making a financial commitment
    • Prototype, create and test trial business applications with DataFlex for a period of one year provided that trial applications are not deployed in a production environment or for any form of commercial use.

In addition to having a fully functional, fast & easy mobile, web and windows development tool, for private applications, the DataFlex Personal license is free. There is no cost or financial commitment at all.

All users of DataFlex Personal ar entitled to use: