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Column layout

The CSS and HTML Secrets of DataFlex WebApps

Lesson 5 - Styler

A summary of the video course

In this lesson, we'll explore the Data Access Styler, an online service that enables you to create custom themes for your DataFlex web applications. With the Styler, you can change the color scheme, adjust details like borders, and save and download these themes for use in your workspace.

Accessing the Styler 

To access the Styler, open your web browser and navigate to the following URL: You may need to log in using your Data Access ID. If you don't have an account, you can create one as well.

Styler Interface Overview 

Upon logging in, you'll see the Styler interface, which consists of several key components:

  • Toolbar: At the top, you can find options to create new themes, select from existing examples, open existing themes, save your work, and save it as a new theme.
  • Preview Area: This section displays a live preview of the theme you're currently working on.
  • Theme Selection: On the left, you can choose the base theme (e.g., Material, Flat Dots, Flat Desktop) as your starting point. You can also select themes from older versions.
  • Color Customization: Beneath the theme selection, you can modify the main colors of your theme, such as the main color, highlight color, darkest and lightest shades, error color, and warning color.
  • Variations: These are variations of your main color, typically calculated automatically based on your main color.
  • Shades: You can customize various shades, including background colors, text colors, and disabled text colors.
  • Form and Grid Settings: You have options to change the styling of forms, form sizes, and specific settings for lists and grids.

Theme Customization

  • Start by choosing a base theme.
  • Adjust the main colors to your liking, and observe the live preview on the right as the colors change.
  • Explore variations and shades to fine-tune your theme.
  • Experiment with form and grid settings.

Downloading Your Theme

Once you're satisfied with your custom theme, click the "Download" button. You can give your theme a name, such as "Custom Styling," and click "OK." The Styler will generate a zip file for your theme.

Managing Your Theme Files 

Locate the downloaded zip file in your computer's "Downloads" folder. Move this zip file to your DataFlex workspace's "app_html/css/themes" folder (assuming you've followed the standard workspace structure).

Extracting Your Theme 

Extract the contents of the zip file into the same folder. You should now see a folder with the name you assigned to your theme (e.g., "Custom Styling").

Applying Your Custom Theme 

Back in DataFlex Studio, open your web project (we copied the WebOrder Mobile example). Go to "WebApp.src". Go to the "psTheme" property of the "oWebApp" object and enter the name matching your theme. In our example, it's "custom styling." The preview will reflect the changes applied by your custom theme.

Compile and Run 

Compile your project, and then run it. When you access your web application in the browser, you'll see the changes from your custom theme applied.

The DataFlex Styler is a powerful tool for customizing the look and feel of your web applications. You can start with a base theme and fine-tune it to match your design preferences. In the next lesson, we'll explore the column layout in more detail.