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Setup HTTPS redirection using URL rewriter

Secure your web applications with HTTPS

Lesson 3: Deploying HTTPS with a Free Certificate

Let’s Encrypt is a free, automated and open certificate authority created by Internet Security Research Group, a non-profit. Using an automated client is the recommended method for obtaining a Let’s Encrypt certificate. This lesson shows a Let's Encrypt Client from PKISharp called win-acme.

DEMONSTRATION – Creating a New Certificate

  • Download, unpack and run win-acme
  • A console mode menu is shown with options
    • Documentation on the various options is available
  • Enter ‘N’ for ‘Create new certificate’
  • Enter ‘1’ for ‘Single binding of an IIS site’
    • This is the appropriate selection due to only having one web application to secure
  • From the following list, choose the web application that will receive the SSL certificate
    • ‘1’ for this example
  • Enter a valid email address: contact for notification of any renewal fail notices from the Let’s Encrypt Authority
  • Answer ‘yes’ to agree to the terms of use
  • A certificate is then created, and the main menu reappears 
  • Type ‘L’ for ‘List scheduled renewals’ to confirm the client has scheduled a renewal
    • A ‘Renewal due’ appears showing the date the certificate expires
    • The certificate will auto-renew before this date
  • Viewing the certificates details in the browser will show ‘Issued by: Let's Encrypt Authority X3.’