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Single database strategy

Multi Tenancy

Lesson 1: What is Multi Tenancy?

  • Multi tenancy definition: A software architecture with a central installation of software that is being used by multiple tenants
  • Tenant definition: a group of users that access the same piece of software, but sees a different set of data
    • Each user has a separate environment
  • This is different than a multi-instance architecture because with multi-instance architectures each user has a unique piece of software installed on a different machine
  • Typically, multi tenancies are used when providing software as a service in an online environment in the cloud
  • Access to the cloud environment is given to users/clients via various price models
  • Each user/customer has access to their own data within the environment

What are the advantages? 

  • Centralized maintenance
  • Pay-as-you-go pricing models
  • Fewer resources are needed to serve multiple customers
  • In DataFlex, multi tenancy is applied in two ways…
    • In WebApps: There are different datasets for different users, such as when setting up a software as a service environment
    • In Windows: There are usually multiple administrations that are maintained in a single application
  • There are three main strategies for developing multi-tenancies
  • Separate application : separate database
    • Least efficient (will not be discussed in detail during this series)
  • One shared application : separate databases
    • Each tenant has their own database within a single application
    • Better separation of data
    • Based on the user, the application switches between databases that have the same structure
      • Pros: 
        • Physical separation of data
        • Simple backup & restore per tenant
          • Simple import/export of the data
            • Better scalability because databases can be spread over multiple servers
      • Cons:
        • SQL server licensing may be more expensive
        • Database structures are more complicated because they all need to be maintained
  • One shared application : one shared database
    • A single database that holds all the data for all of the customers
    • Data is constrained by some sort of tenant ID
    • A single table with all of the data that will have a tenant ID column that can be sorted on
      • Pros:
        • Better performance
        • Simpler database updates
        • Licensing costs
      • Cons:
        • Larger database size
        • Implementation is more tedious
          • Serious problem potential: a user sees another user’s data