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Maintenance Program
Introduction (0m 33s)
Maintenance Tool (1m 09s)
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DataFlex Reports – New Feature DF 5.0 Maintenance Tool

Lesson 1

  1. Start the maintenance tool.
  2. In the file menu you can select the option to create back-ups of your reports.
  3. Updating your reports:
  4. Select ’Update your reports to version 5.0’
  5. You can select multiple reports. Select ‘open’ to automatically start the update process. Check the output window for the results.  

  6. Checking the database connection, select the ‘Check Database’ option

  7. You can select multiple reports again. Select ‘Open’ to automatically start the process.

  8. For each SQL statement or RDS report the maintenance tool will prompt for new values.

  9. Check the output window for the results.
  10. With the maintenance tool it’s easy to update and check your existing reports in a batch.
  11. Note that the ability to create back-up copies of your reports makes this a valuable, safe and easy to use addition to DataFlex Reports.