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History Management

Lesson 2: Enabling History Management

  • How to turn on History Management, and what it does to applications…
  • An example workspace is loaded, and WebApp.src is opened in the DataFlex Studio.
  • Inside the WebApp object is a property called peApplicationStateMode. This can be set to one of 3 values:
    • asmOff means History management is not being used
    • asmHistoryOnly means History management is being used, but no unique URLs are generated
    • asmHistoryAndUrls gives full functionality of History Management with deep linking
  • In the demonstration, it is initially set to ‘asmOff,’ and the application is compiled and run. This simple application only has three views: a dashboard, selection list and a details view. When clicking through the application the URL never changes – it remains static.
  • Next, it is set to ‘asmHistoryAndUrls,’ and it is run again. Clicking through the application now shows that the URL changes depending on what part of the application is accessed.
  • Note that when an application is created in DataFlex 19.1, this object is set to asmHistoryAndUrls by default.