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Custodian 19.1

10m 22s
Custodian 19.1 enables the updating of DataFlex web apps via a web user interface, saving time and minimizing downtime compared to the 'manual' method of establishing a remote desktop session. The Custodian 19.1 app is developed, and the videos created, by Sture Andersen from Sture ApS.
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How to Install
(6m 07s)
Custodian 19.1 is a DataFlex application, created by Sture Andersen from Sture ApS. It's an application that provides an interface for all the web apps running on the same server. This lesson shows how to install Custodian 19.1 on a Windows server which is used for testing DataFlex Applications.
How to use
(4m 15s)
The previous lesson showed how to install Custodian 19.1. This lesson briefly shows how to use Custodian 19.1
Course instructor
Sture Andersen
Software Engineer, Sture ApS