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5 Common WebApp Mistakes

Lesson 5: Interference of the browser cache

The last one is about the annoyances of the browser cache. Modern browsers have become increasingly better in reducing the amount of data transferred when viewing similar pages. This is done by a technique called “caching”, where recurring assets like images and stylesheets are stored locally and reused during subsequent page load to minimize data usage and speed up load times. While this is helpful in improving overall browsing experience, it is usually unwanted during development. You might be changing parts of your stylesheet or maybe implementing some custom JavaScript and end up wondering why your change is not reflected in your application. The culprit is probably browser cache.

There are several quick ways to get around this without disabling your cache entirely. A simple solution is to do a hard refresh, which in most browsers is done by pressing Control + F5 simultaneously. An even better way is to use your browser’s developer tools which is usually accessed by pressing F12. From here make sure the “disable cache” feature is turned on. This ensures that you get a fresh page each time when reloading as long as the console is open.


In this quick course, we looked at 5 common mistakes that can occur when developing DataFlex Web Applications. We’ve briefly covered each mistake, as well as looked at pointers or ways to prevent it.

Hopefully, this information will make your Web Application development experience just that little bit smoother. As always, thank you for watching. Stay healthy and see you in the next one!